The Royal Regatta

September 30th 7am

The Royal Regatta

We have been kayaking with dolphins in Virginia Beach, Sailing with Sound Healing in Brooklyn, Boating to Monkey Island in Panama...

And on September 30TH, 2023, up to 30 teams, supported by thousands of spectators, will be competing for bragging rights in the 9TH Annual Pensacola Dragon Boat Festival. WE WILL BE ONE OF THEM!

This year we are dragon racing!

Dragon boating originated in Hong Kong in 1976, but its historical roots can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago in China. During races, dragon boaters typically paddle in sync along a 250m or 500m racecourse toward the finish line. You may be surprised to learn that it is one of the fastest growing team sports in the world. There are more than 50 million people worldwide participating in dragon boating each year. Teams and competitions are currently found in over 57 nations.

30th of September




You must register for a Royal Regatta Badge To Be A Participant Even If You Only Plan To Watch The Races With Our Krewes.

The Pensacola Dragon Boat Festival

The 9TH Annual 2023 Pensacola Dragon Boat Festival is a festival brought to you by your local Northeast Pensacola Sertoma Club, Inc.

On September 30TH, 2023, up to 30 teams, supported by thousands of spectators, will be competing for bragging rights in the 9TH Annual Pensacola Dragon Boat Festival. The races start at 8:00 AM on Bayou Texar, just off Bayview Park, near Downtown Pensacola

2000 E Lloyd St, Pensacola, FL 32503.

NE Pensacola SERTOMA was founded in 1988 for the purpose of contributing to the Greater Pensacola Community in as many ways as possible by raising money and supporting community organizations and charities. SERTOMA is an organization of business and professional people knit together in bonds of personal friendship and united in the idea of service in their community. SERTOMA is a 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 not-for-profit international organization. Every year Sertoma clubs raise more than $20 million for local community service projects. Through these projects, as well as grants and scholarships, Sertoma clubs return those funds to their respective communities – and they have loads of fun doing it while building life-long friendship







Krewe de Kannabis & Krewe of Royals

The Krewe of Royals has teamed up with The Most High Krewe De Kannabis in a joint effort to raise money for a great cause. We have set a goal of $1500 for our teams donation and would love to blow it out of the water! To help us reach that goal, All Boat Participants Are Required To Raise A Minimum of $75 To Compete With The Team. This can be done by sharing our link with others (Confirmation Email Needed For Verification) , or making personal donations.

All Proceeds Go To The Following Beneficiaries :


Helping Families in Pensacola and Escambia County

Gulf Coast Kid’s House is a children’s advocacy center serving Escambia County. As a children’s advocacy center, we combine all of the professionals and resources needed for the intervention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases under one child-friendly facility. Child victims and their families also receive mental health counseling at our center. The goal of Gulf Coast Kid’s House is to form a more collaborative response to child abuse cases so that we can improve case outcomes and minimize trauma to the children and families we serve. For more information, visit:

My Father's Arrows

My Father’s Arrows, Inc. is a faith-based ministry, community driven, public charity that specializes in restoration and orphan care. MFA was established in 2014 in efforts to do a greater work for the children in foster care and in service to special needs children affected by trauma. By targeting the high risk, high volume population of children impacted by trauma and the foster care system, and focusing on meeting this group’s most critical needs, MFA is creating systemic change that not only impacts the youth served, but also the community at large. MFA is meeting the needs of a particularly vulnerable group of youth with dysfunctional attachments, who are at risk of re-entering the foster care system due to disruption in adoptions and who are profoundly difficult to place in stable, therapeutic care environments. We educate the community on the children’s needs, recruit more caregivers and advocates for the children, and procure child-specific resources to help them reach their maximum potential.

The Uniform of Royals

We love to match here at The Empire... So here are a few items you may want to purchase to fit in with the team. All boating participants must purchase the boating uniform and WHITE SHOES.

If you cannot afford the boating uniform please let a captain know for accommodations. Thank you for being a team player!

Click Each Item To Be Taken To The Amazon Link

Women's Uniform : Sailors Swimsuit

Gentleman's Uniform: White Dri-Fit Shirt, Selected Red Swim Trunks.

Optional: White Skirt Cover-up

Optional: Sailors Hat

Optional: Sailors Accessories

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