Youth Entrepreneurship Program


Branding Queens Program

Branding Queens is an youth entrepreneurship & mentoring program that helps underserved children turn their business dreams to reality. From business plan, to product development, to the selling and branding of their business inspiring local youth to be apart of the economy and make change.

There is a need for a place where young girls are encouraged to take charge. Pairing girls with female business owner mentors affirm to them that they too can own their own business. At the conclusion of the program the girls have learned to persevere, speak up, make executive decisions and most importantly make their own money.

Business Plan Development

Branding and Marketing Education

Real Product Development & Sales

The Ishola Empire Supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Core Goals by 2028


New Entrepreneurs

by 2028


Countries served by 2028


Online Courses offered by 2028


New Ambassadors

by 2028

Committed To The Development

Entrepreneurship for Women!


How It Works

Our participants enjoy free weekly workshops that educate them on the many facets of entrepreneurship while walking them through the process of creating their own registered business. 

The are then paired with a mentor in a similar field to help them develop their own products including packaging and wholesaling. At the completion of the program the students products are sold on our online marketplace with 100 percent of the proceeds going directly to the youth business owner.

We ensure graduates of our programs are placed in employment opportunities within our organization, as well as create their own online store on our marketplace to ensure they have access to a global economy.