Planting With A Purpose


Planting With A Purpose

Planting with a Purpose”, a free windowsill garden workshop designed to bring the community together and help them learn the benefits of planting herbs and vegetables at home.Our workshop aims to teach individuals the basics of gardening, from choosing the right herbs, to caring for them properly. With our workshop, anyone can grow their own herbs and vegetables with minimal effort, no matter how small their living space may be.

Our experienced staff members will conduct the workshop and provide a hands-on experience to participants through various activities like planting, soil preparation, pruning and harvesting. Participants will learn about herb and vegetable varieties, along with the essentials of soil preparation, planting, and care, along with natural and healthy ways to prepare these herbs and vegetables for use.

We believe that “Planting with a Purpose” is not just about growing herbs and vegetables but about living a healthier, more sustainable, and holistic life. Through our workshop, individuals will learn how they can make a positive impact on the environment, and gain skills that will last a lifetime.

Free Pots, Seeds and Dirts

Herbal and Gardening Education

Ongoing Community and Fun!

The Ishola Empire Supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Core Goals by 2028


Gardens Planted

by 2025


Cities served by 2025


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